Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10 - On My Way Out!!!

Hi everyone- It's Nicole and this is is my first personal post. I have  alot of good news so I wanted to write this one myself.   So, where to begin?  How about with my visits swith Lily.  As Tom said in the last update he brought Lily by for her first  visit...I had not seen her in over 30 days!  It is hard to describe the feeling when she walked in the door, but the tears started flowing. I was amazed at how well she handled her surroundings.  By her fourth visit she walked around like she owned the place.  She discovered the latex gloves amd played doctor and helped me get cleaned up. 

When I moved to the 6th floor I was practically breathing on my own with the help of the trach.  This past Tuesday my trach was capped which means it was closed and I was completely breathing on my own through my mouth and nose.  It was capped for 24 hours and the doctors decided to remove my trach yesterday afternoon!  I spent the day feeling very different and "hissing" from my neck but it was finally out! 

I had my third swallowing test this morning and it went really well!  I am now able to drink fluids and eat puree type foods.  I can now have my Coke . . . my hot tea . . . and a beer if I choose!!!

We received the best news of all yesterday afternoon when the Dr told me that I could go home today!!  He wanted to see how I did with the trach out for 24 hours.  I woke up this morning feeling great and anxiously awaiting the Dr's word.  This afternoon he stopped by to see if I was ready to go home.  After 46 days you all know what the answer would be!!  So I finish the post from the comfort of my bed and my first night at home in over 6 weeks!

 I want to thank everyone for their love and support over the last two months.  It has meant the world to me and my family!   I will continue to update the blog with my recovery progress from home!

Thanks again!  We love you all!



  1. What a blessing!!! Love to the Studer's and the Allen's. Let me know if you need anything! I'm coming down soon!

  2. Hooorrray!!! So glad you are home. Call me ASAP (704)904-7579 if you need ANYTHING! Karen Byrnes

  3. NICOLE!! I'm so happy to read this post. I've been thinking about you so much and wish I was closer to come visit. I hope your recovery continues to go well. I'm sure you are thrilled to be home with Tom and Lily. What a blessing! Love to you all!

    Jenny Moore Gross

  4. Nicole ... Rick Houston here. I can't help but think that Buckshot and I helped contribute to your health problems. Your picture is on the wall of my office to this day -- it's from the win in New Hampshire when Bill Kiser and I convinced Buckshot his car was illegal. I apologize for driving you crazy all those years!

    Please know that you've been in my thoughts and prayers ever since Brooke told me about your situation at the Victory Junction 5k. I can't begin to imagine what it must have been like to go through what you've been through. Stay strong, OK?
