Saturday, November 12, 2011

Take Them A Meal...Take Two!

Hi Everyone!

With Nicole back at home, we wanted to pick back up with the meal delivery ASAP. I had to create a new schedule, so those of you who had signed up previously will need to choose a new day for delivery. If meals could be dropped off around 6 p.m. at 5216 Boulware Ct., that would be great. Please count on 5 to 6 people for dinner, as friends and family will be visiting regularly.

Nicole is now cleared to eat pureed foods (soup, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, applesauce, etc.), so making one of your items something in that family would be appreciated, I'm sure, and it would allow Nicole to try some new things. 

If you would like to sign up, please visit the following link, and feel free to reach out to me with any questions at 

name: Studer
pw: 5216
Thanks so much!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10 - On My Way Out!!!

Hi everyone- It's Nicole and this is is my first personal post. I have  alot of good news so I wanted to write this one myself.   So, where to begin?  How about with my visits swith Lily.  As Tom said in the last update he brought Lily by for her first  visit...I had not seen her in over 30 days!  It is hard to describe the feeling when she walked in the door, but the tears started flowing. I was amazed at how well she handled her surroundings.  By her fourth visit she walked around like she owned the place.  She discovered the latex gloves amd played doctor and helped me get cleaned up. 

When I moved to the 6th floor I was practically breathing on my own with the help of the trach.  This past Tuesday my trach was capped which means it was closed and I was completely breathing on my own through my mouth and nose.  It was capped for 24 hours and the doctors decided to remove my trach yesterday afternoon!  I spent the day feeling very different and "hissing" from my neck but it was finally out! 

I had my third swallowing test this morning and it went really well!  I am now able to drink fluids and eat puree type foods.  I can now have my Coke . . . my hot tea . . . and a beer if I choose!!!

We received the best news of all yesterday afternoon when the Dr told me that I could go home today!!  He wanted to see how I did with the trach out for 24 hours.  I woke up this morning feeling great and anxiously awaiting the Dr's word.  This afternoon he stopped by to see if I was ready to go home.  After 46 days you all know what the answer would be!!  So I finish the post from the comfort of my bed and my first night at home in over 6 weeks!

 I want to thank everyone for their love and support over the last two months.  It has meant the world to me and my family!   I will continue to update the blog with my recovery progress from home!

Thanks again!  We love you all!


Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31st - Update

Happy Halloween everyone - so it's been a few days since I last posted an update and that's because there hasn't been much to report.  Nicole continues to make progress.  They have given her a smaller trach and moved her off of the respiratory critical care floor and to a regular room.  We are hoping the next move would be home!  I did take Lily down to see her this past weekend and it proved to be good therapy for Nicole.  Lily handled it great (until she had to leave of course), and hugged and kissed mommy all weekend!  I will post another update in a few days.  Thanks again for all of your support!


Friday, October 21, 2011

October 21st - Update

Hello everyone - just wanted to let everyone know that Nicole continues to make a little progress every day.  They have taken he catheter out, one of the IV lines and she is continuously breathing on her own throughout the day with little support from the breathing machine.  They have her out of bed and walking as much as she can handle.  It has been very emotional for her and she misses Lily so much.  I am praying that they can see each other very soon. 


Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 16th - Update

Hello everyone - Nicole has been taken off of the breathing machine for the most part. The put in a temp trach on Friday and she seems to be adjusting well. They moved her to the Respiratory floor and out of the CCU. She has started to get out of bed and walk around a little to get some exercise! She is still having trouble swallowing and moving her eyes but she is making progress! Compared to where she was a week ago she is doing so much better!


Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 13th - Update

Hello Everyone - Nicole is still in CCU but continues to make progress according to the Neurologists that saw her yesterday.  They did take her off of the breathing machine briefly yesterday to see if she could handle it and it was pretty challenging for Nicole.  They put her back on the machine and have decided to give her a trach tomorrow morning.  This will be much more comortable for Nicole and she is really looking forward to getting the tube out of her throat.  Her spirits seem to be good and she is as spunky as ever!  We are just going to have to take it one day at a time and pray for continued improvement! 


Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10th - Update

Hello everyone - Nicole is still in the CCU and is definitely making progress!  Her eyes are wide open and her breathing is really good.  The Pulmonary Dr. told us today that he would like to get her off of the ventilator soon so we are hoping that will happen over the next couple of days!  We do have another neurologist from Wake Forest coming down to Charlotte to examine Nicole and review her case to offer an outside perspective.  In all of the research that we have done on GBS is that it just takes time for the body to recover.  We have seen some good progress over the last couple of days!  Again, thanks for all of your well wishes and prayers!
